35 Years Lions Lunch in Wien

Unbelievable. The Lions Lunch in Wien's famous Café Landtmann has been founded 35 years ago by  Lion Rudolf H. Reiter. The celebration of this event took place on October 18th, 2023. Anita Querfeld, managing the Café together with her son Berndt, donated a special cake. For her long lasting support to host the Lions Lunch she was awarded with a medal of merit by DG 114-O Harald Schmidt. Beside the organizer PDG Fritz Hoffenreich and Hans Zavesky - president of the sponsoring Lions Club Wien Ostarrichi - many guests joined this celebration. Furthermore Vera Steiner from Vienna's board of magistrate, Viktoria Kettner, director of the Ukrainian School in Vienna and Nina Andresen from TRAIN of HOPE, the first contact point for refugees in Vienna were welcomed.